It is just a universal truth that human civilization always requires a ruler. With out a ruler, no civilization can exist. Even the maximum civilization breaks, once the ruler becomes weak. The human beings had been ruled by every possible being in the past. They've been ruled by kings, queens, dictators, Bishops, Priests, Prophets, dacoits, thugs, communists or elected representatives. Yet all the rulers had been human beings whom we could know and identify.
The modern world is ruled by Laws in place of human beings. Most civilized nations take pride in claiming they have the rule of law instead of the rule of any individual. Laws have grown to be so supreme that even the true rulers like Presidents and Prime Ministers are supposed to be subordinate to it. Thomas Fuller, an English churchman and historian rightly expressed the ethos of rule of law in the next words
"Be you very high, what the law states is above you" ;.
Law is regarded as impersonal as it could be written in words and codified in what the law states books. It provides a feeling to the citizen that many people are equal before what the law states, be it the President/ Prime Minister of a country or a regular person. Good people respect laws as they feel that the laws are created for the advantage of the society while the criminals break the laws to make fortune for themselves.
Yet everyone suffers in the hands of law which can't be seen or heard. Laws have grown to be such as a prison that is suffocating the modern man. There is almost no act of joy or happiness that will be not prohibited by one law or other. Hence what the law states abiders lose happiness as they have nothing to take pleasure from by following what the law states while the law breakers lose happiness given that they always fear that the long hand of laws can catch them and punish them.
It is a good ignorance of human beings to deal with laws like an innate object that lacks human qualities. In fact, laws are like any human being and your relationships with law depends upon your knowledge of the law. Let us discuss the human attributes of laws.
Law is just a Friend
Most people abide the laws particularly in developed countries as they find laws friendly and beneficial to the society. They know when everyone follows what the law states, the society would become far better and happy. In the event that you abide laws, you shall find law as your friend which shall always help you in having a happy life.
Law is definitely an Enemy
Often we realize that the laws work like our enemy since it conflicts with your aspiration. If you are an undesirable man and you are not eligible for any right by what the law states, you could find laws as enemy as they do not allow to live you a good life. In the event that you make an effort to steal or make an effort to earn an income by illegal method, you are branded as criminal and put behind the bars.
Law is just a Guide
For many people, law acts as guide since laws inform them the difference between the proper and wrong path. If they follow the legal path, they often wind up becoming good citizens and good human beings while following the illegal path cause them to become evil before the world and prior to the Lord. Attorney
Law is just a Philosopher
There may be hundreds and even thousands of laws in a country on different topics. Yet all laws have a standard philosophy and spirit. Once you learn the laws of a country you know the philosophy of its people. As an example, the countries who give death sentence for murder have an alternative philosophy than those that do not have capital punishment. Thus laws may be treated like philosophers of the nation and one who wishes to live a happy life must understand the philosophy of laws of his country.
Law is just a Master
You will see law as a master who enjoys the tremendous power in most civilized society. All things considered, law is regarded as even better than the Kings and Presidents. The implementation of laws is not similar in all counties. In many countries laws are implemented strictly and we may find law as a cruel and heartless master during other countries laws are taken for ride by the citizens and here you can see what the law states as a poor master.
Law is just a Slave
If you are intelligent, you can even use laws as a slave who is always ready to serve you. It is a fact that riches of the world visits an individual who will make what the law states as his slave. All kings, politician and wealthy folks have enslaved the law. The difference involving the king and subject, winner and ruler, rich and poor, powerful and powerless lies in enslaving what the law states for private gain.
Know Law as a Human Being
We, therefore, realize that laws are only like any human being. They're different for different people. A kind father can be a ruthless ruler and loving husband. When law is supreme, it is always better to understand laws fully so that individuals may take the very best advantage from the ruler. Knowing the ruler completely shall also remove the fear of law from our mind and we shall become the master of law and not the slave of law.
Life is a puzzle which can not be explained either by science or by scriptures. Truth has a body and a soul which we call science and religion. Despite popular perception, they're not opposed to each other but complement each other like body and soul. In reality, they are able to not exist without each other.